Restore Ministries
Restoring connection in a disconnected world
We live in an extraordinary time when we can almost instantaneously connect with virtually anyone anywhere in the world while simultaneously feeling exceptionally disconnected from each other, from God and even internally. Restore Ministries offer a range of tools and strategies to help you on the path toward [re]connection and shalom [the peace that comes with wholeness].
What we offer
Perfect for small groups, women’s or men’s groups, couples or just a few friends, these workshops create a space to connect your right brain with God through colour, texture and form. Sessions are around two hours. There will be opportunity to attend face to face in Olinda, or we can come to you.
Creating a space to deepen and expand your relationship with God through worship, teaching and guided activities, retreats may be from one day to overnights. At times Restore Ministries will hold events, or we can bring our tools to your event. Themes can be discussed.
Mentoring and Inner Healing
We all go through seasons where we feel stuck, whether it is in relationship with others or in our relationship with God, or just not sure where to go next. Restore Ministries provides a variety of tools and strategies to help you get moving again, based on your individual needs.
About us
We are all painfully aware of disconnection, broken relationships and broken hearts in the world around us. Understanding and uncovering the root of these issues is one step forward. Dealing with them is another. On her own journey, Ruth Embery has not only found healing for herself, but has learned tools to help others. With years of training and experience in teaching, psychology and inner healing, Ruth and her colleagues are well qualified to help you take that next step.